According to a study from Penn State University, combining marijuana and alcohol can lead to some risky behavior.

The study has found that simultaneously using both is likely to lead to high risk behaviors in the consumers.

“The results suggest that individuals who simultaneously use alcohol and marijuana are at a disproportionately higher risk for heavy, frequent, and problematic substance use,” said Ashley Linden-Carmichael, assistant research professor at the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State.

The study used 1,017 participants from across the United States with an age range of 18-25 years old. Participants answered a questionnaire about their experiences and provided information about how often they use the two substances, whether separately or together. The participants also assessed their own personalities and how they perceived the habits of their friends.

“Even after controlling for the number of drinks a person typically consumed, people who used alcohol and marijuana at the same time were at a greater risk for problems like blacking out, getting in an argument, or other concerns,” Linden-Carmichael remarked. “Additionally, 70 percent of those who engaged in simultaneous use reported using at least weekly.”

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