A group of neuroscientists may have found out why marijuana is pleasurable and addictive. The researchers have found out just how weed can act on the human brain.

Ironically the research comes out of an ironic place. It was Brigham Young University, that’s affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that did the study.

Neuroscientist at BYU, Jeff Edwards, commented, “In general, we downplay marijuana a bit. But really it’s less of a big deal for adults than for adolescents whose brains aren’t fully developed.”

Edwards explained, “The institution here knew I was doing the research. They didn’t mind.”

The researchers studied the “long-term exposure” to the active compound in marijuana and how it could affect the way brain cells are implicated in addiction. According to the team, the activity of certain neurons that they studied changed over time.

“We’ve known marijuana can lead to an addiction in some people, and we know that it happens because marijuana stimulates dopamine production and makes you feel good,” remarked Alan Budney, a psychiatrist and substance abuse specialist at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine.

“In terms of demonstrating that it can be addictive, we’re beyond that already,” said Budney.

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