With legal marijuana in many states, people all over may be wondering where they can get some.

Weedmaps is coming to their rescue.

The company is helping people locate marijuana disepsnaries in their area and so far has put up over 200 billboards in the states of Oregon, California, Arizona, Michigan, and Colorado. The billboards have also been put up in British Columbia and Ottawa in Canada.

Weedmaps President Chris Beans, told AdWeek, “The genesis of the campaign was this idea that so much of the narrative around marijuana legalization was really not based on fact and what the current state of knowledge was. We thought by combining what we thought was a real need on fostering public dialogue on what the real facts are around marijuana legalization with our brand was a responsible way of getting information out there.”

The company aims to put up another 10 to 15 billboards in states this year that have marijuana on the ballot.

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